VHyperSound and Light Ltd

Voice Evacuation Systems

Voice Alarm systems are typically used in high-rise buildings where total evacuation is difficult to achieve. 

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Voice Alarm systems are typically used in high-rise buildings, arenas, shopping malls, schools, kindergartens and other large occupancies such as Hospitals and Detention facilities where total evacuation is difficult to achieve. Voice-based systems provide response personnel with the ability to conduct orderly evacuation and notify building occupants of changing event circumstances.

what we provide

Benefits We Provide you

Voice Evacuation Systems

We have systems that meet and exceed the latest and more stringent standards for Voice Alarm (VA) and Evacuation systems such as the EN 54-16 or the EN 60848.

Voice Evacuation Systems

With our voice alarm systems, evacuations in case of fire or other emergencies will be performed in a faster, safer and more orderly way.

Voice Evacuation Systems

There is evidence that people react more quickly and calmed when they hear a voice instead of a bell, and with a voice alarm system for evacuation.

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